About Us
Jetsitters was founded in 2015 as Big White Sitters, offering word of mouth babysitting services to families visiting Big White Ski Resort in Kelowna, BC Canada. It turns out, parents love us! The excitement for Jetsitters has quickly spread to families from around the world who visit Canada. Jetsitters continues to grow one family holiday at a time and now offers babysitting in many vacation destinations in Western Canada such as Whistler, Banff, Big White, and Sun Peaks, offering the "best holiday service parents can't live without".
Our Commitment

Raise Her Up
We believe that equality benefits all of society which is why we are committed to providing career and development opportunities for women. There is more than enough good to go around and we all win together when we raise each other up.

Family Above All
When you use Jetsitters you are inviting us to spend meaningful time with your family. We have built our reputation one sitter, one service, and one family at a time. Rest assured, your kids are in good hands and you can enjoy your free time without worry.

Our Childrens' Future
We share this beautiful earth we call home and we each have a part to play in ensuring a
sustainable future for our children. Jetsitters has committed to a comprehensive consumption reduction plan to minimize our footprint on the environment.

Jacky Martin
Founder and CEO
Jacky's Story
When I was a kid my family would travel with other families on ski holidays. We would rent a big chalet and all of our families would squeeze in together. Every day was exciting for the kids - some days we skied and other days we went tubing, ice skating, swimming - all the fun stuff kids love to do.
I didn't give it much thought then, but each of our parents would take turns chauffeuring us kids to one activity or another, or staying back when one of us was too tired to keep up. In the evenings when we would be winding down, it was finally our parents' time to have some fun without us, but that usually meant there was a sacrificial parent left behind.
Our family vacations centered on the kids, and the grown-ups' vacation was made up of moments squeezed in between our fun. I want to reinvent how families do the family vacation. I want parents to have just as much fun as the kids without the worry and without guilt. After all, it's your vacation too!
- Jacky Martin, Founder and CEO